Strengthening Partnerships: Preparations Underway for The Libyan-European Forum for Oil, Gas & Energy

Strengthening Partnerships: Preparations Underway for The Libyan-European Forum for Oil, Gas & Energy
Exciting Preparatory at Total Energies

Exciting Preparatory at Total Energies Exciting first preparatory meeting of the next Libyan-French Oil, Gas and Energy Forum at TotalEnergies headquarters. Paris, February 2023. Exciting Preparatory at Total Energies Exciting Preparatory at Total Energies Exciting Preparatory at Total Energies Exciting Preparatory at Total Energies
Excellent Welcome at MEDEF

Excellent Welcome at MEDEF Excellent welcome at MEDEF International’s main office, our partner in the organization of the forum, sponsored by the National Oil Company and organized by AMBAR CONNECT and the Libyan-French Chamber of Commerce. Paris, February 2023. Excellent Welcome at MEDEF Excellent Welcome at MEDEF Excellent Welcome at MEDEF Excellent Welcome at MEDEF